Wow, long time without a post. Suffice it to say, my energies have been spent elsewhere, including a new Daughter and the ever growing 4 year old Son. Anyways, this is not about catching up. This is about reaching middle age and doing really well because of a little thing called Covid-19 that is destroying other people's lives. This pandemic is one of the craziest things I or anyone else has had to live through. But I've really benefited from it:
-I'm only working 45 hours a week, they're hard but 15 less than before. -I'm making less money but EDD is covering the difference. -I got a 'stimulus' check from the US government. -Every week, EDD gives me extra money. -I'm a misanthrope, so staying home really isn't a big deal to me -My Wife is home everyday with the kids and when I come home, they are there. No driving to Long Beach to pick them up or waiting for everyone to come home -It became socially acceptable to day drink... The only losses for me are hockey and not being able to see Family and Friends, which we probably wouldn't be able to see anyways. Oh, and the Wife and I got really sick for the first 2 weeks of this thing, so that was bad. But otherwise, we're doing really good. Financially, life has never been this easy. And yes, I know it all runs out in a few months but right now, there's no stress from money. But it feels wrong to feel good about that, when other people are suffering. So for some reason, I felt the need to rant about this on my Birthday. Forty-five feels so old but things feel so good, but in a way they shouldn't. Done with this, I hope everyone is healthy and safe. We're going to classify this under rant. This topic has been bubbling in my brain for quite some time now. I've never really written about it because I can't really call myself an authority on child rearing. However, now I have a horse in the race, so maybe it's time to speak up. A good portion of my generation had their kids 16-22 years ago and so all of those kids have been entering the work force these past couple of years. This brings a lot of them to my door, in the restaurant business. The restaurant business, along with retail, is the easiest career path for youngsters to get into. Whether it's the career they want to pursue for life or just to get them through school, this is where they start. I get a lot of applicants at my restaurant and about 3/4's of them are between the ages of 18 and 22. And I can say, without a doubt, that 4 out of those 5 applicants are braindead husks of human beings.
I don't know what my generation did but we raised our kids wrong. Maybe I'm becoming a grouchy old codger and maybe the restaurant industry is just getting the scraps of the workforce, but the numbers don't lie; these kids are idiots. And unfortunately, I have to hire some of these idiots just to keep my restaurant staffed. Here are just some issues with today's new workforce: They have no common sense. They have no manners. They do not follow instruction or retain knowledge. They are completely self-centered. They have no work ethic. They are entitled. They can't seem to let go of their phone for more than 15 minutes. They have no social skills. They don't actively listen. They have no sense of loyalty. They have no discipline. I could probably go on forever. But first, let me thank all of the 1 out of 5 parenting teams who raised their kids right. Of course, there is no one way to raise a child but I'm going to say, that if your child has more than 3 of the qualities listed above, you didn't raise them right. You didn't even give them a chance to survive. The people I feel the worst for are teachers. They have to deal with all of these kids. And of course, no parent is to blame for their child being raised to be a braindead husk. I hate to be the one to point out the problem and not offer a solution but I imagine it's too late. We're screwed. It all starts in the home and no one seems to care. Broken homes, social media, government hand outs, over sensitivity in the media, teen pregnancy, drugs and whatever else is tearing apart society as a whole are things that just don't get fixed over night. I'm starting my family late in the game and so are some of my friends, so hopefully the wisdom of our years will help us raise our kids right. I know it's not impossible in this day and age because I do get applicants who are well adjusted, smart, hard working individuals and they come from all sorts of backgrounds. So, there's no excuse for everyone else dropping the ball. Take care of your kids, it's the least you can do. |
AuthorMusic, Food, Hockey, and Society through the eyes of a misanthrope named Quez Def. Archives
May 2020